Algebra 1: Common Core (15th Edition)

Published by Prentice Hall
ISBN 10: 0133281140
ISBN 13: 978-0-13328-114-9

Chapter 3 - Solving Inequalities - Mid-Chapter Quiz - Page 193: 16


$42+65+x\ge160$ at least $53$ cans

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Let $x$ be the number of cans of food to be collected on Friday. Then the conditions of the problem can be represented by $$ 42+65+x\ge160 .$$ Using the properties of inequality, the solution to the inequality above is $$\begin{aligned} 42+65+x&\ge160 \\ 107+x&\ge160 \\ x&\ge160-107 \\ x&\ge53 .\end{aligned} $$ Hence, the number of cans to be collected on Friday, $x$, should be at least $53$ cans.
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