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Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Seventh Edition

Published by McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN 10: 0073383090
ISBN 13: 978-0-07338-309-5

Chapter 1 - Section 1.6 - Rules of Inference - Exercises - Page 78: 3


a) Addition b) Simplification c) Modus Ponens d) Modus Tollens e) Hypothetical Syllogism

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a) Let us assume: p="Alice is a mathematics major" q="Alice is a computer science major" We can write the given argument using above stated interpretation as: $$p$$$$- - -$$$$p \lor q$$ Using Rule of addition b) Let us assume: p="Jerry is a mathematics major" q="Jerry is a computer science major" We can write the given argument using above stated interpretation as: $$p \land q$$$$- - -$$$$\therefore p$$ Note that the argument uses rule of simplification. c) Let us assume: p="It is rainy" q="pool will be closed" We can write the given argument using above stated interpretation as: $$p \to q$$$$p$$$$- - -$$$$q$$ Note that the argument uses rule of Modus Ponens. d) Let us assume: p="It snows today" q="University is closed" We can write the given argument using above stated interpretation as: $$p \to q $$$$\neg q$$ $$- - -$$ $$\therefore \neg p$$ Note that the argument uses rule of Modus Tollens. e) Let us assume: p="I go swimming" q="I will stay in the sun too long" r="I will sunburn" We can write the given argument using above stated interpretation as: $$p \to q$$$$q \to r$$$$- - - $$$$\therefore p \to r$$ Note that the argument uses rule of Hypothetical Syllogism.
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