Work Step by Step
# 5.36 (Game: scissor, rock, paper) Programming Exercise 4.17 gives a program that
# plays the scissor, rock, paper game. Revise the program to let the user play continuously
# until either the user or the computer wins more than two times.
import random
count = 0
while count <= 2 or count <= -2:
# Generate scissor, rock, paper
computerNumber = random.randint(0, 2)
# Prompt the user to enter scissor, rock, or paper
userNumber = eval(input("scissor (0), rock (1), paper (2): "))
# Check the guess
if computerNumber == 0:
if userNumber == 0:
print("It is a draw")
elif userNumber == 1:
print("You won")
count += 1
elif userNumber == 2:
print("You lost")
count -= 1
elif computerNumber == 1:
if userNumber == 0:
print("You lost")
count -= 1
elif userNumber == 1:
print("It is a draw")
elif userNumber == 2:
print("You won")
count += 1
elif computerNumber == 2:
if userNumber == 0:
print("You won")
count += 1
elif userNumber == 1:
print("You lost")
count -= 1
elif userNumber == 2:
print("It is a draw")
if count > 2:
print("You won more than two times")
print("The computer won more than two times")