Work Step by Step
# 11.46 (Tkinter: display a STOP sign) Write a program that displays a STOP sign, as
# shown in Figure 11.17a. The hexagon is in red and the text is in black.
from tkinter import * # Import tkinter
import math
class MainGUI:
def __init__(self):
window = Tk() # Create a window
window.title("Stop Sign") # Set title
width = 200
height = 150
canvas = Canvas(window, bg="white", width=width, height=height)
xCenter = width / 2
yCenter = height / 2
radius = min(width, height) * 0.5
# Create a Polygon object
polygon = []
# Add points to the polygon
for i in range(8):
polygon.append([xCenter + radius *
math.cos(i * 2 * math.pi / 8 + 2 * math.pi / 16), yCenter - radius *
math.sin(i * 2 * math.pi / 8 + 2 * math.pi / 16)])
# Draw the polygon
canvas.create_polygon(polygon, fill="red")
canvas.create_text(xCenter, yCenter, text="STOP", font="Times 30 bold", fill="white")
window.mainloop() # Create an event loop