Work Step by Step
# 11.34 (Geometry: rightmost lowest point) In computational geometry, often you need to
# find the rightmost lowest point in a set of points. Write the following function that
# returns the rightmost lowest point in a set of points:
# # Return a list of two values for a point
# def getRightmostLowestPoint(points):
# Write a test program that prompts the user to enter the coordinates of six points
# and displays the rightmost lowest point.
def main():
line = input("Enter six points: ").split()
p = [[eval(line[i]), eval(line[i + 1])] for i in range(0, 6, 2)]
point = getRightmostLowestPoint(p)
print("The rightmost lowest point is (" +
str(point[0]) + ", " + str(point[1]) + ")")
def getRightmostLowestPoint(p):
rightMostIndex = 0
rightMostX = p[0][0]
rightMostY = p[0][1]
for i in range(1, len(p)):
if rightMostY > p[i][1]:
rightMostY = p[i][1]
rightMostIndex = i
elif rightMostY == p[i][1] and rightMostX < p[i][0]:
rightMostX = p[i][0]
rightMostIndex = i
return [p[rightMostIndex][0], p[rightMostIndex][1]]