Work Step by Step
# 10.29 (Game: hangman) Write a hangman game that randomly generates a word and
# prompts the user to guess one letter at a time, as shown in the sample run. Each
# letter in the word is displayed as an asterisk. When the user makes a correct
# guess, the actual letter is then displayed. When the user finishes a word, display
# the number of misses and ask the user whether to continue playing. Create
# a list to store the words, as follows:
import random
words = ["write", "that", "program", "Hello"]
playAgain = 'y'
wrong = 0
while playAgain == 'y':
w = words[random.randint(0,3)]
w = list(w)
res = ['*'] * len(w)
print("(Guess) Enter a letter in word", ''.join(res), end=' ')
f = 0
while True:
guess = input()
if guess not in res:
if guess in w:
for i in w:
if i == guess:
res[w.index(i)] = guess
w[w.index(i)] = '_'
if res.count('*') == 0:
f = 1
if f == 1:
wrong += 1
print("\t", guess, "is not in the word")
print("\t", guess, "is already in the word")
print("(Guess) Enter a letter in word", ''.join(res), end=' ')
print("The word is", ''.join(res))
print("You have", wrong, "wrong guesses")
wrong = 0
playAgain = input("Do you want to play again (y or n) ").lower()