Computer Science: An Overview: Global Edition (12th Edition)

Published by Pearson Higher Education
ISBN 10: 1292061162
ISBN 13: 978-1-29206-116-0

Chapter 5 - Algorithms - Section 5.2 - Algorithm Representation - Questions & Exercises - Page 228: 1


Two examples of this phenomenon in a non computer setting.

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A primitive in one context might turn out to be a composite of primitives in another. For instance, our while statement is a primitive in our pseudocode, yet it is ultimately implemented as a composite of machine language instructions. One example is found in the composition of matter. - At one level, the primitives are considered molecules, yet these particles are actually composites made up of atoms, which in turn are composed of electrons, protons, and neutrons. -Today, we know that even these “primitives” are composites.
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