Computer Science: An Overview: Global Edition (12th Edition)

Published by Pearson Higher Education
ISBN 10: 1292061162
ISBN 13: 978-1-29206-116-0

Chapter 3 - Operating Systems - Section 3.2 - Operating System Architecture - Questions & Exercises - Page 151: 1


$\color{blue}{ Shell } $: Communicates with the machine’s environment. $\color{blue}{ File\ manager } $: Coordinates the use of the machine’s mass storage. $\color{blue}{ Device\ drivers } $: Handles communication with the machine’s peripheral devices. $\color{blue}{ Memory\ manager } $: Coordinates the use of the machine’s main memory. $\color{blue}{ Scheduler } $: Coordinates the processes in the system. $\color{blue}{ Dispatcher } $: Controls the assignment of processes to CPU time

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$\color{blue}{ Shell } $: Communicates with the machine’s environment. $\color{blue}{ File\ manager } $: Coordinates the use of the machine’s mass storage. $\color{blue}{ Device\ drivers } $: Handle communication with the machine’s peripheral devices. $\color{blue}{ Memory\ manager } $: Coordinates the use of the machine’s main memory. $\color{blue}{ Scheduler } $: Coordinates the processes in the system. $\color{blue}{ Dispatcher } $: Controls the assignment of processes to CPU time
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