Tao Te Ching Literary Elements

Tao Te Ching Literary Elements


Ancient Chinese Text

Setting and Context

The text is set between the 4th and 6th centuries, though the exact date is still debated.

Narrator and Point of View

First-person narration

Tone and Mood

Informative, educative and intriguing

Protagonist and Antagonist

Lao Tzu is the narrator and protagonist of the text.

Major Conflict

The major conflict of Taoism is that it views nature as the interaction of two conflicting forces.


Observance of Taoism harmonizes oneself with the Tao, implying that nature and the cosmos can come together and coexist peacefully.


The progression of nature foreshadows future adherence to Taoism.


The complementary forces between nature and the universe are understated.


There are allusions to the duality of nature.


The images of the fractured government and the divided society depict the sense of sight to readers.


Tzu's argument that discourages the use of power is paradoxical because he says that Tao should help rule the people.



Metonymy and Synecdoche



Taoism is personified as an influencer that dictates the relationship between nature and the universe.

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