Tableau (Countee Cullen poem)

Tableau (Countee Cullen poem) Themes


One of the poem's most overt themes is love. It begins with a striking image of the two men locking arms as they walk down the street. The speaker compares the white man to the golden brightness of daylight and the Black man to the dark nobility of nighttime. Even when onlookers show mistrust or disdain, the couple is entirely unfazed, giving their opinions no notice. Cullen focuses on this relationship to highlight the strength of an unashamed love. Unlike the onlookers, who whisper insults and peer from drawn shades, these men show confidence in their relationship. Their love seems to give them the fortitude to not be dragged down by prejudice and gossip.


Judgment is another prominent theme in the poem. In the second stanza, the speaker shows groups of Black and white people who are observing the couple indignantly. It is fairly clear that these people take issue with the fact that these men are of different races. The language that the speaker uses to characterize the couple is bold and powerful, referencing the majesty of nature. In contrast, the descriptions of these onlookers show them as weak and petty. Their disdain for the couple reflects more on them than it does on the two men, as they remain untouched by their opinions. In this way, the poem reveals how these moments of judgment indicate the petty prejudice of the onlookers.


Related to the theme of love, pride is also featured as a major thread in the poem. The speaker makes multiple comparisons between the couple and dramatic elements of nature. Even after they notice the unkind comments and looks of the people around them, they remain steadfast. In the context of the poem, the couple's pride in their relationship is shown to be a driving force in their confidence. They display their love proudly, unafraid to experience the disapproval of others. Pride is depicted as being an essential component of their healthy relationship.

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