Sophie's World Quotes


"Who are you?’’

Chapter 1

The question from above appears in the first letter Sophie receives. The question posed here is an important one and not easy to answer at all. The quote also makes reference to Sophie, a teenager girl who is trying to figure out who she is and who she wants to be when she grows up. Sophie is at the age when she is finding her own identity and thus the question doesn’t refer only to philosophy, but to Sophie’s development as well.

"Where does the world come from?’’

Chapter 1

The quote from above represents the second question written on the second card Sophie gets. In comparison with the first question, a question that is more personal and a question that Sophie may relate to better than the second one, the question from above is what stands at the core of philosophy in general and Sophie tries to answer this question as well because she feels that the answers she was given, namely that God created everything is not satisfactory enough because it doesn’t answer the question Who created God?.

"I wanted to give you a present that will help you grow.’’

Sophie’s father, chapter 1

When Sophie receives a letter from her father, she reads the quote from above at the end of the letter. Thus, the philosophical letters she was going to receive had the purpose of helping Sophie develop as a person and grow into a beautiful woman. This highlights the importance of education and also the fact that the parents are those who are the ones responsible for educating their children, no matter how far away they are physically from their offspring.

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