Why was Pete Buttigieg a significant candidate?
Not simply was Pete Buttigieg a significant candidate because of his sexual orientation (he is a gay married man -- the first gay Presidential candidate in history), he was a significant candidate because of his age: he was one of the youngest Presidential candidates of all time at 37 years old.
What were Buttigieg's keystone policy proposals?
Buttigieg had a number of keystone policy proposals:
1. Buttigieg advocated for the abolition of the Electoral College. He fears that the Electoral College doesn't always reflect the will of the citizenry. Instead, Buttigieg advocates for a popular vote that elects the President.
2. Buttigieg also advocated for universal background checks for gun purchases because he fears that marginal people and criminals are still allowed to purchase guns despite restrictions preventing them from doing so under normal circumstances.
3. Buttigieg wants illegal immigrants to have a pathway to citizenship. He feels that these citizens risk everything to come to the United States and want to give them a way to become citizens.
Shortest Way Home: One Mayor's Challenge Essay Questions
by Pete Buttigieg
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