This article covers the history of Wimbledon, and includes images of the manor house where Tradescant and Jordan would have worked on the gardens.
Great Fire of London
This article provides information about the Great Fire (1666), which is described and referenced in the novel.
John Tradescant, Royal Gardener and Forefather of the Natural History Museum
This article provides more information about the historical figure John Tradescant, who is featured in the novel.
History of the Garden Museum
The London church where John Tradescant and his father are both buried has been converted into a museum specializing in the history of gardens in England. This page describes the history of the museum, and provides more information about John Tradescant and 17th-century London.
King Pine, The Pineapple
This article describes the history of the pineapple arriving in England, and becoming very popular. It includes an image of the painting referenced in Winterson's novel, "Charles II Presented with a Pineapple."