Running in the Family Characters

Running in the Family Character List

Micheal Ondaatje

As the narrator of the story, Micheal Ondaatje records stories, as well as his travels and experiences in Sri Lanka, as a way to preserve his family's history and to better understand his parents (especially his father, whom he had lived away from since he was a child). Throughout the novel, Ondaatje also undergoes a journey of self-discovery and gains a deeper insight into himself.

Mervyn Ondaatje

He is Micheal Ondaatje's father. Liking to live life on the edge, he is portrayed as an irresponsible person who often gets drunk. Like Micheal, he struggles with his identity.

Doris Gratein

Ondaatje's mother, she left Mervyn and moved to England with her children to get a fresh start in life.


She is Micheal Ondaatje's grandmother.

Aunt Phyllis

She is Mervyn Ondaatje's cousin sister who has been delineated by Michael Ondaatje as "minotaur" in the memoir. She was close to Mervyn.


Stephy is Mervyn Ondaatje's sister and she is friendly with Mervyn's English fiance, Kaye Roseleap.

Kaye Roseleap

She was briefly engaged to Mervyn.

Uncle Ned

He is Michael Ondaatje's uncle who is heading a commission on race riots and secludes his family in Jaffna.

Philip Ondaatje

Mervyn's father who built Rock Hill, called "Bamba."


She is Lalla's sister.

David Granier

He is Dickie's first husband.

Hilden and Trevor de Saram

These two men loved Michael's mother Doris which is discussed in "Lunch Conversation" chapter.

Willie Gratiaen

He is Lalla's husband and a champion cricketer.

Rene de Saram

She is Lalla's neighbour and friend, who runs a dairy.


Lalla's brother, he is a bachelor.

Shelton de Saram

At first, Lalla was engaged to him before he decided to marry a richer woman.

Muriel Potger

She is a chain smoker. Lalla started a boarding house with her.

Gillian Ondaatje

Michael Ondaatje's sister, she has told Michael the story of how he was bathed at the age of 5.

Arthur Van Langenberg

He is a train driver who Mervyn threatened to shoot if he did not stop to pick up his friend.

V.C. de Silva

He is Mervyn's Medical Advisor and one of his closest friends.


She is Noel's daughter.

Archer Jayawardene

He is Mervyn's closest friend and a member of Cactus and Succulent Society.

Sir John Kotewala

He is a fellow Officer in Ceylon Light Infantry with Mervyn. Later he became a Prime Minister of Sri Lanka.

Ian Goonetileke

He is a librarian at Peredeniya, the Sri Lankan Poet, and Lakdasa Wikkramasinha's friend.


She is Mervyn's sister who is half deaf and half blind.

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