The bachelor thinks, “After all, thought I, Ashes follow Blaze, inevitably as Death follows Life. Misery treads on the heels of Joy; Anguish rides swift after pleasure.” Ashes are emblematic of the despondency which is inescapable in life. According the cause-effect connection between ‘ashes and blaze’ is strong and inevitable; ashes are the archetypal upshot of blaze.
The bachelor remarks, “But what a happy, careless life, belongs to this Bachelorhood, in which you may strike out boldly right and left! Your heart is not bound to another which may be full of only sickly vapours of feeling; nor is it frozen to a cold man’s heart under a silk bodice.” Bachelorship is characterized by care free propensities. A bachelor relishes his autonomy maximally since he is not restricted by matrimonial accountabilities. The bachelor devotes his days to musings.