Reamde Quotes


“From long experience in places like Afghanistan and Chechnya, Sokolov recognised, in the black jihadist’s movements, a sort of cultural or attitudinal advantage that such people always enjoyed in situations like this: they were complete fatalists who believed that God was on their side.”


The narrative is convoluted as it delves into the criminal underworld of mobsters, terrorists, hackers, and drug dealers. Therefore intertwines the worlds of these factions of criminals with different mindsets and agendas. Solokov as a hired security consultant who has observed the objectives and motives of groups such as jihadists and the mafia concludes the drive behind their wickedness. Thus, extending to the modern climate of terrorists and mobsters who harbor far-fetched ideologies to justify their intentions. In that jihadists link their motives to a higher divine calling while Russian mobsters to the futility of moral living.

“What he wasn’t so good at was manipulating the internal states of other humans, getting them to see things his way, do things for him.”


The story entails the world of criminals and the tech world of designing and constructing codes for gaming experiences and networking. Robert’s role-playing video game ‘T’Rain’ has taken over by being successful in terms of attracting a large audience on the platform. Accordingly, alludes to the current culture of interactive social networking and gaming where the participants share the same interest. Therefore delves into this universe of where intricate marketing and psychological conditioning to maintain and attract an audience. Thus, the statement highlights the significance of such manipulative skills which are translated into the virtual space to trigger compulsion.

“Guns and hunting provided an out for men who wanted to be know-it-alls but who couldn't afford to spend the first three decades of their lives getting up to speed on quantum mechanics or oncology.”


The universe created in the novel mirrors the spheres of wealth, power, and masterminds in our society. Consequently, explores how individuals with power assert their influence through their specific expertise be it through intellect or violence. The crossfires between hackers and violent criminals see the tech-savvy and virtuosos outsmart the less experienced. Whereas during confrontations that force a display of dominance gunfights take place. The chain of events turns into a ‘blood sport’ all around the world as criminals and terrorists cross paths and all hell breaks loose.

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