One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish Characters

One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish Character List

Unnamed boy and girl

They are expressed as being brother and sister but no other information about them is given. Through their eyes, the reader gets to witness the different kinds of fish. They also go on to describe the things they enjoy doing with their pets, such as going for bike rides. They also reveal the negative parts of having pets, such as when they “yell, yell, yell.


Mike is the boy and girl’s pet, but it is no disclosed what kind of pet he is. He is shown to be very adventurous and they treat him as their best friends that they take on bike rides to go and “conquer hills.” They are very fond of Mike despite owning other pets.


The fish are the central characters to the story. As the young children count the fish, they then begin to describe them, for example, as a blue fish or a red fish. The fish are therefore a reference to the different kinds of people the young children may encounter as they grow older.

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