1 How many lines does a villanelle contain? 14 19 20 12 2 What kids of stanzas do villanelles use? Couplets and quatrains Tercets and couplets Couplets and quintains Tercets and quatrains 3 Which word is used to refer to the repeating lines in a villanelle? Refrain Hook Conclusion Chorus 4 Which line or lines of a villanelle are repeated throughout the poem? Only the fifth Only the first The first and third The first and second 5 How many stanzas are in a villanelle? five one six twelve 6 Which best describes the rhyme scheme of a villanelle? ABAB ABAC BB ABCB ACBC ABAA ABC ABA BAB ABA BAB ABA ABA ABA ABA ABA ABAA 7 Which best describes the typical subject matter of early villanelles? Pastoral Instructional Spiritual Erotic 8 Who wrote the famous villanelle "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night?" Dylan Thomas Maggie Smith Pablo Neruda Elizabeth Bishop 9 Who wrote the famous villanelle "Mad Girl's Love Song?" Emily Dickinson Langston Hughes Theodore Roethke Sylvia Plath 10 Who wrote the poem that is considered by scholars to be the first iteration of the modern villanelle form? Jean Passerat Voltaire Michel de Montaigne Victor Hugo 11 Which best describes the villanelle form? Repetitive Epic Unstructured Rhyme-heavy 12 How does a villanelle end? With a line that combines both refrains With the repetition of both refrains With a new line, which rhymes with the refrains With the repetition of the first refrain 13 How does Elizabeth Bishop's "One Art" diverge from the traditional villanelle? Bishop makes alterations to her refrain throughout the poem Bishop neglects one of her refrains halfway through Bishop adds an extra tercet to the poem Bishop chooses not to use rhyme 14 Which theme would be difficult to express in villanelle form? The freedom and variety of travel The repeated routines of learning a new skill The cycles of the natural world The banal nature of parenting 15 Where did villanelles likely originate? England The United States Mexico France 16 What best describes the theme of Sylvia Plath's villanelle "Mad Girl's Love Song?" Aging Trust Femininity Madness 17 What best describes the conflict of Dylan Thomas's villanelle "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night?" Someone is futilely addressing a dying loved one Someone is sarcastically warning a lover not to visit them A mother is describing the dangers of the world to her child A soldier is preparing to go into a likely-fatal battle 18 Which meter, common in villanelles, is used in "One Art?" Iambic pentameter Dactylic hexameter Trochaic trimeter Spondaic dimeter 19 What does the term "meter" refer to? A poem's pattern of spaces A poem's line breaks A poem's rhythmic structure A poem's length and appearance on the page 20 Which word describes a poetry whose end coincides with the end of a sentence? Puntuated Dead-end End-stopped Conclusive 21 Which word describes a line of poetry that ends in the middle of a phrase or sentence? Ajar Hanging Disrupted Enjambed 22 What is the word for a grouped set of lines in a poem? Paragraph Grouping Stanza Soliloquy 23 Which of the following is not a type of poetic form? Sestina Sonnet Villanelle Novel 24 Which line from "One Art" is a refrain? I lost two cities, lovely ones. I lost my mother's watch. The art of losing isn't hard to master. Lose something every day. 25 Which stanza in a villanelle is the longest? The first stanza They're all the same length The penultimate stanza The final stanza