My Friends Characters

My Friends Character List


Khaled is an English literature teacher in London. Born and raised in Benghazi, Libya, his life changes after he listens to a story written by Hosam on the radio. Khaled is inspired to pursue literature and later lands an opportunity to study in Edinburgh. He is smart but tends to be naive, and his father warns him about it. Khaled is later convinced by Mustafa to join a protest against Gaddafi's regime in London and ends up getting shot.

Fearing persecution by Libyan operatives, Khaled is granted political asylum by the British government and hides out in Notting Hill. The detachment from his family and culture begins to take a toll on his mental health. Khaled is forced to start a new life where he is constantly afraid of being abducted by Libyan spies. During this trying time, he meets the author who changed the course of his life. Their friendship is the only thing that keeps Khaled grounded and sane.


Mustafa also has the opportunity to study in Edinburgh. He strikes a friendship with Khaled and convinces him to join a protest against Gaddafi's regime. Mustafa ends up getting shot after Libyan embassy officials open fire on the protesters. Branded as a traitor, he is unable to go back to school. Mustafa fears being targeted by Libyan spies embedded within the school. He hides out in Manchester.

While living in exile, Mustafa feels guilty for dragging Khaled to the protests that have proverbially ruined their lives. He will eventually return to Libya when Gaddafi's regime is about to fall. Mustafa fights alongside rebel forces and successfully topples Gaddafi. Unfortunately, Libya fails to recover from the revolution and is consumed by terrorism and chaos. Mustafa eventually returns to Europe after failing to create a sustainable life in a failed state.


Hosam is an exiled Libyan author. One of his stories about dictatorship is broadcast on the radio in Libya. The radio broadcaster is abducted, tortured, and killed. Hosam is forced to go into hiding. While in exile, Hosam will meet Khaled and Mustafa. The three of them will bond over their lost identity, family, and relationships.

Gaddafi's regime is falling apart, and Hosam goes back to Libya to join the revolution. He lives there for five years but returns to Europe and eventually relocates to the United States. Hosam mourns the death of his country as Libya becomes a failed state, totally consumed by the revolution.

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