The "Me Before You" Backlash Was Bigger Than Anyone Expected
This article summarizes the goals of protesters who opposed the release of the Me Before You movie. It includes interviews with disability-rights advocates who found the film's assisted suicide plotline to be harmful and offensive.
‘Me Before You’ and the stories we need to tell about people with disabilities
This op-ed in the Washington Post considers the controversy over the release of Me Before You. It offers a counterargument to those who wholeheartedly opposed the film, pointing out the negative effects of Will's suicide within the story, but recognizes protesters' concerns and points readers to other stories about disability.
Assisted Suicide: 10 Years of Dying at Dignitas
This article offers a summary of assisted-suicide controversies in the United Kingdom and highlights the use of Dignitas, the Swiss service that Will uses for his suicide in the novel. It quotes activists on both sides of the issue and gives a rundown of the current laws as they relate to this issue.