I, Robot was directed by Alex Proyas with a screenplay by Jeff Vintar and Akiva Goldsman suggested by the book by Isaac Asimov. It was produced by Michael Lee Baron, John Davis, Topher Dow, Wyck Godfrey and Laurence Mark. The film was made for a budget of $120,000,000 and returned over $347,000,000 in worldwide gross ticket sales.
The film follows Will Smith's character Del Spooner as he investigates the death of Dr. Alfred Lanning who is his friend. Spooner discovers that Lanning was killed by his robot Sonny in order to get Spooner on as a Detective in order to find out that the robots are attempting to kill people in order to save humanity.
The movie was nominated for one Academy Award for Best Achievement in Visual Effects. Alongside Smith are Bridget Moynahan, Alan Tudyk as Sonny, James Cromwell, Bruce Greenwood and Chi McBride. Simon Duggan was cinematographer on the picutre with WIlliam Hoy, Richard Learoyd and Armen Minasian were editors.