1 Who wrote Happiness for Beginners? Ellie Kemper Helen Fielding Katherine Center Catherine Centre 2 What form does Happiness for Beginners take? Novel Play Podcast series Short story collection 3 Who narrates Happiness for Beginners? Katherine An unnamed third-person narrator Helen An unnamed first-person narrator 4 Which time period does Happiness for Beginners take place in? 1890s 1980s 1990s Modern day 5 Who is the protagonist? Helen Katherine Duncan Jake 6 Where is Helen in the book's first scene? Her brother's apartment Her husband's apartment Her apartment Her mom's house 7 Why is Helen angry with her brother in Chapter 1? He forgot that he agreed to dog sit for her He forgot to pick up their grandmother from the hospital He forgot that he agreed to cat sit for her He owes her several hundred dollars 8 What is the age difference between Helen and Duncan? Two years Ten years Five years They are twins 9 Who does Helen find in her brother's room? Jack John Jill Jake 10 Who is Pickle? Helen's dog Helen's grandmother's dog Jake's dog Duncan's dog 11 What breed is Pickle? Lab Golden doodle Poodle Mini dachshund 12 What isn't something Helen notices is different about Jake? His glasses are new His hair is short He has muscles His teeth are straighter 13 Why isn't Jake in his room? Jake left a candle burning and it is full of smoke damage now Duncan is with a woman in there Jake is a hoarder and can't reach his bed There's an orgy in Jake's room 14 What presidential administration does Helen reference when talking about Jake's hipster glasses? Clinton Bush Senior Nixon Trump 15 In what state is Helen's hiking course located? Wyoming Texas Missouri Kansas 16 In what city does Helen live as an adult? New York Los Angeles Evanston Boston 17 Which answer best defines flummoxed? Baffled Angry Sharp Dumb 18 What does BCSC stand for? Back Country Survival Company Big Country Survival Company Back Country Survival Course Big Country Survival Course 19 What does Jake ask of Helen in the first scene? To kiss him To get him out of the apartment To marry him To drive him to the BCSC course 20 What is happening at Jake and Duncan's apartment when Helen arrives? They are midway through moving out Super Bowl viewing party A raging party An landlord-led eviction 21 From whom did Helen hear about the BCSC course? Duncan Her grandmother Jake Her husband 22 What research assistantship is Jake planning to go to after the hiking course? None of these, he is lying about it Bomb defusing trials Field study on whales Nuclear testing site 23 In Chapter 1, why does Helen give in to taking Jake across the country? She didn't want to drive on her own anyway He says he'll have to hitchhike because he is broke They are engaged She is in love with him 24 Where does Helen bring Pickle before she leaves Boston? Her ex's apartment Her grandmother's house None of these: she brings the dog with her The vet, for boarding 25 What make of car does Helen drive? Audi Mercedes Subaru Toyota