A realistic fiction novel, Girl at War was published in 2015 and written by American author Sara Novic. The book follows the story of Ana Juric, who is ten years old when the novel opens in 1991. She lives in the capital of Croatia, but, soon enough, conflict strikes. A civil war erupts in the countries of Yugoslavia, and Ana and her family are forced to adapt.
The war crushes Ana's sense of confidence, and her life and safety are at risk. Then, the book picks up ten years later, when Ana is attending a safe college in Manhattan but her mind is still stuck in the terrors of her youth.
Sara Novic is an award winning novelist born in 1987, and her debut novel was Girl at War, in 2015. As well as writing novels, Novic has translated several foreign works. Struggling with the restraint of being deaf, Novic is a deaf-rights activist and continues to write because it is her passion. Currently, she is a creative writing professor at Stockton University.