George Irony

George Irony

The paradox of George’s sexuality

The author introduces George as a fourth-grader who sneaks out of class with a stash of girlish magazines about girls. The magazines are about how girls can look sexy and attractive. Paradoxically, George is born a boy with male organs, but her feelings and behavior are girlish. Consequently, George is struggling with identity and sexuality crises, but she is determined to come out and reclaim her true sexuality.

Charlotte’s web

Ms. Udell is George's teacher and wants her students to act in a play called Charlotte's web. Ms. Udell wants George to act as a male pig character and delegate other roles to female characters. Ironically, George wants to play the title character, that is female. The teacher does not know that George is transgender because physically, she looks like a boy. George refuses the male pig's role and acts as a crewmember of the play.

The satire of society

A society that is supposed to protect transgender people and boost their confidence does the opposite. When families discover that they have a transgender child, they do everything possible to hide the child's identity. George finds herself at crossroads. While at school, George behaves like a girl, and fellow students bully her. The author uses this situation to enlighten society about the rights of transgender people.

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