Foxy Brown Imagery

Foxy Brown Imagery

What Violence Begets

Foxy has been raped by dealers who leave her tied up. This horrific violence is then revenged upon these dealers when Foxy burns down their home after clawing out one of their eyes and douses the other with gasoline. The imagery of the fire burning this home down as the men scream in agony represents the reality that violence begets violence.


We watch as Foxy breaks down the door to threaten her brother for information. The scene is shot with Link low in the corner as Foxy towers over him with the camera pointing from his POV looking up to her. The imagery shows us that Link is a coward for what he has done in betraying his sister by giving up her boyfriend who was killed because of his ratting.


We watch as Link tells Foxy about his ambition and how he's blown it all on his schemes. We see him standing against a white wall with his shadow starkly contrasted behind him. The imagery shows us that Link is but a mere shadow of a man as he has bet his life on schemes his whole life and got nothing from it.

Turn out the Lights

Foxy tells the dope pusher to turn off the lights as he believes he's going to sleep with her when they are out. But the imagery soon shows us that she's using her seduction to kill him just as he's used his power with drugs to manipulate people.

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