Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence Characters

Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence Character List


Molly Craig is the protagonist of the story. She is not a usual 14-year-old girl, for her father is white while her mother is an Aboriginal. Back then, children of mixed race used to be rarity. Molly has a hard time trying to improve her relationships with other Aboriginal children, they never miss a chance to make fun of her or insult her. As soon as her younger cousins start living with Molly’s family, their lives become better. Unfortunately for them, the Australian government has its own idea about the way Molly’s and her cousins’ lives should develop. The girls are taken away and sent to the Moore River Native Settlement, which is 1,500 kilometers away from her native settlement. In spite of all the danger, the girl decides to run away.


Gracie is a 11-year-old cousin of Molly. She is also a child of mixed race.


Daisy is Molly’s sister and Gracie’s cousin. She is the youngest one, for she is an 8-year-old girl.

Thomas Craig

Thomas Craig is Molly’s father. He promises her mother to stay with her if she spends a night with him, but doesn’t stick to his word. However, he presents Molly with gifts from time to time. The man proves to be a coward, for when the governmental official comes to take Molly to the native settlement, he does nothing to prevent it.


Maude is Molly’s mother.

Mr. Keeling

Mr. Keeling is the Superintendent of the area where Molly’s family lives.

Mr. Neville

Mr. Neville is the Chief Protector of Aborigines.


Galli is Molly’s mother husband and – consequently – her step-father.

Constable Riggs

Constable Riggs, Protector of Aborigines, is the man who takes the girls away from their home.

Miss Evans and Miss Campbell

Miss Evans and Miss Campbell are the workers who live in the Moore River Native Settlement.

Martha Jones

Martha Jones is a girl from the Moore River Native Settlement; she shows the other girls around.

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