Fear and Trembling Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Is Abraham the most faithful man who ever lived according to Soren Kierkegaard?

    Soren refers to the book of Genesis in the Holy Bible and narrates the experiences of Abraham with God. Abraham does everything possible to please God. One day, God decides to test Abraham's faith by asking him to offer his only son as a sacrifice to God. Under normal circumstances, the reader does not expect a man with only one child to offer him as a sacrifice no matter what situation. However, Abraham is a different kind of a man whose faith is deeply rooted in God and he can do anything he is being asked by God. Therefore, Abraham goes ahead to offer his son as a sacrifice as directed by God. Slightly before sacrificing his son, the angel appears and offers a lamb for the sacrifice instead of his son. Consequently, this kind of faith earned Abraham the title, 'the father of faith'.

  2. 2

    What is the emblematic meaning of the angel who appears slightly before Abraham offers his son as a burnt offering?

    Soren Kierkegaard is illustrating to the reader that there is a holy reward for any person who has faith in God. The angel symbolizes God’s reward to those who believe in him. God rewards his faithful differently depending on the situation they emerge out triumph. For the case of Abraham, the angel rewards him with a white lamb. Therefore, readers realize that it is significant to be faithful to God because there is a reward at the end of everything.

  3. 3

    Is it worthwhile for the reader to believe in his providence after reading the book Fear and Trembling by Soren Kierkegaard?

    According to Soren, there is no single individual without a purpose in this world. Each person is unique and he has a special role to play on earth. At the end of life on earth, each person will stand before God and give an account of how he fulfilled his purpose. Indeed it is true that Soren is convincing the reader to believe in his fate and remain faithful as Abraham did.

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