
The Bible

The book of Luke is one of the several gospels of the Bible that delineate the life of Jesus. Providing one account of Jesus’ teachings, this gospel contains numerous parables that he uses to convey the Christian life to both his disciples and the...

10th Grade

Romeo and Juliet

Tension between characters is a key feature of many plays. “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare contains many scenes in which there is tension, but 3.1 – the turning point of the play – is tensest of all. The scene is pivotal in the story of...


Anne Finch: Poems

Many people were wary of women writers in the eighteenth century. Women were supposed to be seen and not heard, and the fact that women were trying to be writers and voice their opinions broke this “rule”, two women who broke this “rule” with...

11th Grade

A Raisin in the Sun

“Money is life. Once upon a time freedom used to be life – now it’s money” (Hansberry, 74). The quote from Mama portrays the Youngers, a typical African American family living in Chicago in 1959, in their struggle to break free from the endless...

9th Grade


When thinking of the word “freedom”, one definition usually comes to mind; physical freedom, or the ability to go wherever, whenever. However, there are many more aspects to freedom than just physical freedom. There is mental freedom, which is...


Lord Byron's Poems

Romantic poetry can be said to have emerged as a counter-current to the 18th century intellectual and philosophical movement, the Enlightenment, which believed reason to be the predominating signifier of human greatness while completely shoving...