
As I Lay Dying

We typically think of death as a fixed state of being rather than as a continuum. Either a person is dead or alive; there is nothing in between. However, death may not be so clearly defined, particularly in literature. In his novel, As I Lay...


A Midsummer Night's Dream

A Midsummer Night’s Dream revealed a lot of society during its time. It embodied societal pressures and demands among the characters. The characters played as an example of the different types of people that were present during that time. The...

12th Grade


Beowulf is the tale of an isolated hero and his quest for power and fame. Beowulf fights those horrific beings that no other warrior dares to face, and in return receives great praise and acclaim for his bravery. This literary work can be...

12th Grade

Invisible Man

The dominant human sense is vision; an entire lobe of the brain, the occipital lobe, is dedicated to processing and interpreting visual information. Despite its importance, a loss of vision is not life-threatening due to the brain’s...

11th Grade

Christina Rossetti: Poems

“Cousin Kate” follows the story of a former “cottage maiden” who was jilted by her lover, “a great lord” for her cousin, “Kate”. The poem presents the protagonist’s feelings and thoughts throughout the poem, congruently conveying her motives, and...

11th Grade

Christina Rossetti: Poems

In a traditional Victorian society which was patriarchal, it was expected that women remained subservient and complaint at all times, obediently yielding to the inclinations of both men and the community around them. The women in Christina Rosetti...



Tarr is a novel that describes reality as deplete of an inherent moral code, and Lewis articulates the world as hostile, set in direct opposition to the romantic, Rousseauvian vision of “wild nature and unspoilt man”. Within this world Lewis...