

The American Dream means different things to different people, but the basic principle remains the same: putting in enough hard work will guarantee you a happy and successful life. It is a belief that adheres so tightly to the nation built on the...


Mrs. Dalloway

If realism could depict reality in the most truthful manner then the departure from the same in modernism proves the failure of this mode of representation of reality. The age faced loss of faith in religion, principles, ethics, human relations...

11th Grade

Rear Window

Hitchcock’s classic thriller ‘Rear Window’ demonstrates the perception that people should look into themselves to solve an issue, instead of focusing attention on others. For example, as Jeff becomes more involved with spying on others, he crosses...

12th Grade


The play Pygmalion can be viewed through the lens of an anti romantic play. From the beginning itself Shaw creates a notion on the reader’s mind that, the play will end up in the union of Professor Higgins and flower girl Eliza. But what happened...


Paradise Lost

In Book IV of Paradise Lost, Eve relates her birth and her first meeting with Adam. She claims to first have been distracted by her reflection on a pond, where she would have stayed had a voice not warned her away. The person on the pond “started...


Aphra Behn: Poems

Aphra Behn, recognized as being England’s first woman writer to earn money from her publications, is a woman who pushed boundaries with her writing in numerous ways. In addition to being a spy, playwright, and author of prose, Behn scandalized her...



Without a doubt, Aristophanes deserves being considered as one of the most remarkable comic playwrights in the history of literature. His numerous plays still draw attention of many readers worldwide, which makes their content relevant these days....