Erec and Enide Quotes


"Throughout all the land all people -- the blondes and the brunettes and the redheads -- are saying that it is a great shame that you have laid down your arms. Your renown has greatly declined. Previously everyone used to say that there was no better or more valiant knight known in all the world; your equal was nowhere to be found. Now everyone holds you up to ridicule, young and old, high and low; all call you recreant."


The loyal Enide understands the pain which her words will cause Erec, but she values his reputation and career enough to speak the truth. She worries for him, even though she adores how much time he devotes to her. Fearing irreparable damage to his career, she urges him to defend his honor.

"My sweet love, I have tested you in every way. Don't be dismayed any more, for now I love you more than ever I did and I am once more certain and convinced that you love me completely."


Enide delivers this declaration of love while defending her honor against an evil count who has wounded Erec. Enide proves her love and her devotion to him in a single act, by valiantly holding her own and defeating the count. While she has loved Erec from the start, she has become more convinced of his fidelity and honor over the course of their adventures together.

"Woe to you, who decided to disobey my orders and do what I forbade you to! And yet I knew very well that you had little esteem for me. Your kindness has been wasted, for I am in no way grateful to you; in fact, you may be certain that I hate you for it. I have told you this already and I tell you again. I shall forgive you again this time, but take care next time and do not even look in my direction, for it would be a very foolish act: I do not like your words."


Such a biting speech is the result of Enide disregarding Erec's warning to remain silent during a fight. His pride gets the best of him and he chastises her for ignoring his directions, but Erec later realizes the severity of his opinion. He owes his life to Enide and eventually learns to value her contributions. This stage of their journey reflects the early conflicts which couples encounter as they try to build up their marriage to survive danger.

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