Enlightenment Background

Enlightenment Background

Sarah Perry's Enlightenment was published in June 2024 by Mariner Books. The novel, which is set in a small town in England, follows Thomas Hart and Grace Macaulay, who have never met but have a strange connection. Growing up in a Baptist community, both have always been deeply ingrained with religion and made it a significant part of their identity. That's why, when the two meet each other, they become fast friends. The novel chronicles their relationship over the course of more than twenty years, as they navigate their relationships (both romantic and professional) and the mysterious case of astronomer from the 19th-century, who binds them together and ignites their passion for the world. The duo work hard to uncover the mystery and help determine what was happened to the astronomer and how (and why) he has directly impacted their lives.

Perry has long been celebrated as one of the best and most important authors of the 21st century. Her past novels, many of which have been set in England, have sold briskly and earned very positive reviews. Enlightenment is no exception. Beejay Silcox of The Guardian wrote a glowing review of the novel, writing that "this defiantly old-fashioned tale of two misfits, a ghost and a blazing comet showcases Perry’s unerring capacity to make the earthly new and strange."

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