Eight Plus One: Stories Themes

Eight Plus One: Stories Themes


In the book’s nine stories we are introduced to several parental experiences. In one story we discover parents who do not live up to their children’s expectations. We also find an irresponsible father who cannot take care of his daughter because of an alcohol problem. He’s also immature and does not have his priorities straight. In another story, a father connects with his son’s girlfriend. Most stories in the book are about fathers who are either dedicated to their children or irresponsible enough to damage their children mentally as they grow up around them.


In one of the stories, two couples preparing to get married, receive opposition to their unification because the woman is from a different religious background that the man's family finds unfit. They are against them going forward with the wedding. This creates a rift between the couple which was previously not there when they met. It becomes an issue that begins to affect their relationship and choices going forward. The man is placed in an impossible situation where he has to choose between the woman he loves or the family he belongs to.

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