Diary of a Madman


Diary of a Madman may refer to:

  • Diary of a Madman (film), a 1963 horror film starring Vincent Price
  • Diary of a Madman (1990 film), directed by Ronan O'Leary, cinematography by Walter Lassally
  • Diary of a Madman (Nikolai Gogol), a short story by Nikolai Gogol
  • Diary of a Madman (Guy de Maupassant), a short story by Guy de Maupassant
  • Diary of a Madman (Lu Xun), a short story by Lu Xun, also known as A Madman's Diary
  • Diary of a Lunatic, a short story by Leo Tolstoy sometimes translated as "The Diary of a Madman"
  • Diary of a Madman, a memoir by rapper Scarface
  • Diary of a Madman (album), by Ozzy Osbourne, or the title track
  • "Diary of a Madman" (song), by Gravediggaz
  • The Diary of a Madman (opera), a 1958 chamber opera by Humphrey Searle
See also
  • Diary of a Maniac, a 1993 Italian drama film
  • Diary of a Mad Old Man, a 1961 novel by Japanese author Jun'ichirō Tanizaki

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