Critique of Pure Reason Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is role of imagination in the lives of humans?

    Imagination plays a central role in human lives as they create everything in their heads without even experiencing certain things. The capability of imagination has bestowed human beings with the power of seeing the unseen objects. Human beings perceive the surrounding reality through their external senses and then reconstructs this reality through their imaginative powers.

  2. 2

    How does Kant perceive God?

    Kant perceives God as a watchmaker because he believes that God has made everything in a systematic way. As God has made everything in a circular way like a watch, so he does not have to look after this world. Kant does not consider the idea of God as a prime mover because he thinks as things are working on their own so there is no need to steer this world. Kant believes that God is watching this universe like a watchmaker that is he is only observing everything.

  3. 3

    What is meant by pure reason?

    The reason which understand things on the basis of experiences and does not rely on transcendental observations is known as pure reason. As human beings possess the ability of creating realities in their heads without experiencing them, so they do not look for logical evidence. Kant has propagated the idea of logical evidence by refuting the transcendental observations.

  4. 4

    What is transcendental logic?

    The conclusions or deductions which human beings draw from their observations are considered as transcendental logic. The ideas about the origin and the meaning of universe, fate, the perceived freedom of human beings are all transcendental logics which humans have drawn on the basis of their imaginations. Kant asserts that logic must be drawn on the basis or experiences rather than mere imagination.

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