1 Who narrates Charlie's Country? Rolf de Heer Pete There is no narrator Charlie 2 Who directed Charlie's Country? Rolf de Heer David Gulpilil Werner Herzog Old Lulu 3 Who wrote Charlie's Country? Rolf de Heer alone Old Pete and Charlie Werner Herzog and David Gulpilil Rolf de Heer and David Gulpilil 4 What genre does Charlie's Country fall under? Documentary film Radio play Television series Drama film 5 In what year was Charlie's Country released? 2011 2001 2019 2013 6 Who is the film's protagonist? David Rolf Luke Charlie 7 Who is the film's primary antagonist? Rolf Luke Pete Charlie 8 In what country is the film set? Australia New Zealand U.S. Virgin Islands Canada 9 What is Charlie's ethnicity? White Australian African Australian Aboriginal Australian African American 10 In what type of building does Charlie live? Shipping-container house Victorian mansion He only ever sleeps on the ground, looking up at the stars Open-air small shelter 11 What is the main ethnicity in Charlie's community? South American White Australian Aboriginal Australian Canadian First Nations 12 What is the term for the type of community Charlie lives in? Settlement Outstation Homeland All of these are correct 13 What language does Charlie speak aside from English? Spanish French No one knows Yolngu Matha 14 What does the physical sign at the beginning of the movie announce? Alcohol is restricted in the community The director's name and production house That the territory belongs to Charlie The language is indecipherable 15 What is Charlie's shelter in the community mostly made from? Mosquito nets Sheet metal Tarpaulin There is no shelter 16 In approximately what decade of his life is Charlie? Nineties Sixties Forties Thirties 17 What does Charlie blame white people for bringing to Aboriginal Australians? Tobacco Alcohol Ganja All of these 18 What hostile term of endearment do Charlie and Luke use with each other? Bastard Idiot Asshole Buddy 19 What is the name of Charlie's best friend? Pete Rolf Luke He has no friends 20 What does Charlie do with his cash as soon as he receives it? Hides it in his shoe Puts it in an investment fund Burns it Begins handing out bills to other people in the community 21 What type of home does Charlie want at the beginning of the film? A tent in the woods A big mansion A metal sided single-floor dwelling He is happy with his net shelter 22 What does Charlie tend to look at while sitting alone? His toes His hands His fire His laptop 23 What job does Pete have in the community? Garbage truck driver Architect Delivery driver Hunter 24 Which answer best defines "rundown"? Very wet Content Beautiful In disrepair 25 What do Pete and Charlie do with their guns? Hunt a wild bull Hold up the bank Shoot each other Threaten the police