Blade Runner 2049 Characters

Blade Runner 2049 Character List


K is a Nexus-9 replicant model who is a "blade runner." He works for the LAPD, and his job is to find older model replicants to destroy, or "retire" them. He lives in an apartment alongside his hologram Joi.


Joi is an artificial intelligence who has been projected as a hologram. She is essentially sold as a product, with the intention of being used for romantic interests. In the film, she is K's girlfriend, but he doubts how real their relationship is as she is literally programmed to return his affections.

Sapper Morton

Sapper is first found on a protein farm in California and is an old Nexus-8 replicant.

Niander Wallace

The antagonist of this film is Niander Wallace, the CEO of Wallace Corporation. His company creates replicants and invented the Nexus-9 replicant, which is unique in the sense that it obeys every human order.


Luv is an assistant to Niander Wallace and is also a Nexus-9 replicant. Significantly, Luv has a name instead of a number, which shows that Wallace cares about her.

Ana Stelline

A scientist and memory designer at Wallace Corporation. She is a kind character who tries to implant enjoyable memories in the replicants.

Freysa Sadeghpour

Freysa leads the replicant freedom movement. She is a Nexus-8 replicant and is hoping to lead a revolution.

Rick Deckard

Harrison Ford returns in Blade Runner 2049 as the character he played in the original Blade Runner. He meets K in a casino in Las Vegas and holds him at gunpoint. Later, Deckard tells K about Rachael and his child.

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