The book, ‘Argonauts of the Western Pacific’ is a detailed examination of the life of the Kula. As an ethnographer, Dr. Malinowski examines the life of these people politically, economically, and socially. The book contains descriptions and explanations of the culture of the Kula.
The political organization of the Kula is that they have a series of chiefs that govern different areas of the land. These chiefs do not have equal powers. The chief with greater power which can be amassed economically or in war is considered greater than the one with lesser power. The chiefs are the custodians of the norms of the people and they ensure that all activities are done at the right time. Therefore, they are key persons in their localities who maintain order.
The economic organization of the Kula is built by the various economic activities that the people are engaged in. These include farming, sorcery, basket weaving, wood work and fishing. These activities are passed from father to son where the father trains his children to practice his trade. The economic life of this people is based on the classical economic theory where items are produced when needed.
The social organization of the Kula is seen through various social activities that they are engaged in. These activities include the harvest festival which is the most important event in the Kula calendar. This is a festival where the Kula celebrate a successful harvest of yams and pray for a similar one. During this festival, various activities such as dancing and singing take place. It is a communal affair which every Kula attends.