The Khobar Lakes Lifting Club

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I pushed with all my might, exhaling slowly as my arms trembled, but I still couldn’t complete the pushup. I was embarrassed; I felt weak—physically and mentally.

Searching for tips for building strength and getting into shape, I was surprised by the prevalence of this issue in my age group. Over 80% of the world’s adolescent population is insufficiently physically active, a phenomenon that is linked to serious health issues. Conversely, sports participation can improve health, confidence, and soft skills such as teamwork and time management.

Inspired to pursue a healthier lifestyle, I educated myself, tried various sports, and increased my physical activity. As I began to reap the benefits of my efforts, I wanted to ensure that youth in my community had the opportunity and motivation to participate in sports. I founded a fitness club in our local gym to get the teens in my neighborhood moving, initially focusing on soccer because of its popularity in our community. At first, I organized soccer matches twice a week. As our club grew, I also launched a weightlifting program for older teenagers. Initially, most parents disapproved of this activity, but I was able to gain their approval by teaching members how to exercise safely...

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