
Why are you interested in attending Columbia University? We encourage you to consider the aspect(s) that you find unique and compelling about Columbia. (150 words or fewer)

While we discussed how the Roman empire helps examine identity, I was disheartened that ToK lessons were coming to an end with the course of IBDP. This was until I discovered Columbia’s core curriculum. Divergently debating external focalization in Homer’s work under Dr. Brussels and discussing the applications of optogenetics in Fro-Sci under Dr. Brown, I know I’ll fulfill my quest for intellect.

Singing with the Harmony chorus is now reserved for vacations in Bangalore. But I’ll find Monteverdi and Rutter with the Barnard-Columbia chorus conducted by Gail Archer; that’ll fulfill my place of solace. And for different repertoire with jazz and rock, Columbia Nonsequitur!

Meeting mentors of life like Deantini and Prof. Siddiqi to have meaningful conversations with, will fulfill my drive to learn. Moving away from those I love only to find more to love at Columbia, my heart will stay fulfilled.

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