An Introduction to Constitutional Law: 100 Supreme Court Cases Everyone Should Know Themes

An Introduction to Constitutional Law: 100 Supreme Court Cases Everyone Should Know Themes

The Constitution

This book is focused on American constitutional law and the way it has changed over history. As readers, we learn about the narrative of the constitution and how it has been developed through various amendments. This is done mostly through examples and case studies, which are described in detail and analyzed.


In this book, Barnett writes about the many changes in law throughout American history, many of which led to a more progressive society. Examples include the defining legal cases of the civil rights movement, such as Brown v. Board of Education, and significant cases in the fight against discrimination on the basis of gender.

The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court and how it operates are explored in this text. Barnett gives an overview of the history of the Supreme Court, including ways it has changed over the years, and some influential court cases. This text has been recommended for people who want to gain a greater awareness of how the Supreme Court functions.

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