Agnes Strickland: Selected Literary Works Themes

Agnes Strickland: Selected Literary Works Themes

War and its Effects

The book by Agnes Strickland was set during the time when the Roman Empire was strong and desired world domination. The Romans achieved this by conquering other countries such as Britain. Prince Aldogern and General Paulinus had fought on opposite sides when the Romans wanted and succeeded to conquer Britain. The prince and his daughter Alda were captured as prisoners of war. The Roman people celebrated at the sight of Prince Aldogern who was badly wounded for that meant that they had won the war and were now enjoying the spoils. War caused a lot of death for the prince Aldogern succumbed to his wounds and died in the hands of his daughter Alda. The sons of the prince were also killed in the war as well as other soldiers on both sides of the battlefield.


The novel is characterized by many religions and the attempt of their holders to preserve them. Alda believed in the Druids which was her traditional religion from her homeland. She refused to believe in the roman gods that were in the household of Marcus and even threw them on the ground. Marcus Lelius and his household believed in the roman gods and they severely punished Alda for throwing down their idols. Susanna professed the christian faith in which she converted Alda.

The Emperor Nero was irritated by the growing christian faith and set to destroy it. He persecuted the Christians among them being Alda who was eaten by lions together with Lelia who had converted to Christianity. Other Christians under the leadership of Aurelis were killed by lions at the amphitheater in Rome.

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