A Memory of Light Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

A Memory of Light Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Black Tower (Symbol of authority)

The Black Tower is depicted as a symbol of power because every leader is fighting for its control. Taim and Dreadlords are in control of the Black Tower. Androl and Pevara attack the Black Tower to drive Taim and his army away. Similarly, Androl and Pevara want to release Logain from the Black Tower to give him his freedom.

Rand (symbol of courage)

Rand depicts heroism throughout the text, which symbolizes courage and determination to keep his reign. The reader acknowledges that Rand is a warrior determined to protect his people and kingdom. For instance, the author borrows heavily from the Biblical King David and compares his courage to Rand. Towards the end of the series, it is assumed that Rand succumbs to his injuries after fighting a successful battle to protect his people.

The symbolism of supremacy

Supremacy is symbolized by the four front’s war led by different groups under Elayne, Agelmar, Gareth and Ituralde. Each group is fighting to win and gain total control of the kingdom. The reader learns the significance of law and power after realizing that no group is ready to surrender.

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