19 Love Songs Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the symbolic meaning of the varsity jacket?

    The varsity jacket is a major symbol in the novel that represents accomplishment. Most of the Quiz Bowl team players in the school, including the narrators, are determined to get the varsity jacket. Sung Kim is the only student in the Quiz Bowl team with a varsity jacket. Sung makes history when he wins the varsity jacket, raising his fame in the entire school. Therefore, having a varsity jacket is the biggest achievement a Quiz Bowl player can attain in school.

  2. 2

    Why is the narrator saying he is a walking Cliffs Notes version?

    The narrator is the best-lit boy in the Quiz Bowl team because he adequately knows classic topics and literature. The narrator’s wide knowledge of various fields, especially literature, makes him an asset in his Quiz Bowl team because he can answer almost every question. Therefore, when the narrator says he is a walking Cliffs Notes, he implies that he is well versed in many fields, which gives him a competitive edge over his teammates.

  3. 3

    How best can you describe the character Sung?

    Sung is a talented Quiz Bowl player, high achiever, fearless and optimistic. Sung is the only student with a varsity jacket, which signifies his hard work, determination and optimism. Sung knows that he has stiff competitors, such as the narrator. Therefore, Sung strategically avoids complicated questions during their practices by directing them to the narrator.

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