The Voyage of Mael Duin's Curragh Background

The Voyage of Mael Duin's Curragh Background

The Voyage of Mael Duin's Curragh is a novel by American author Patricia Aakhus. It was published in 1989 by Story Line Press. In his debut novel, Aakhus re-examines the life of Irish legend Mael Duin. He grew up as an orphan who was adopted by a prominent family. After he unexpectedly learns about his birth parents, Duin sets sail with sixteen men on-board, seeking vengeance for his father’s death. Once at sea, the crew encounter mind-boggling islands filled with surreal things.

From giant insects to fire flowing down a river, their patience and faith are tested at all times. The novel offers a fascinating look into ancient Irish Heritage at a time before modern civilizations and Christianity had taken shape in the community. The novel also exhibits a lot of outdated norms. Aakhus offers Non-Irish speaking readers the opportunity to experience the old and prestigious Irish tale of Mael Duin.

The Voyage of Mael Duin’s Curragh won the 1990 Readercon’s Best Imaginative Literature Award. It also received the Cahill Award. The novel received critical acclaim, even securing a National Review spot on the New York Times.

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