Esperanza Rising

Main characters and personalities

  • Esperanza Ortega: The protagonist, the 13-year-old daughter of wealthy Mexican landowners, who spends most of the novel living in poverty in California.
  • Ramona Ortega: Esperanza's mother, Sixto's wife, Abuelita's daughter and Tio Luis' stepsister-in-law.
  • Sixto Ortega: Esperanza's father, Ramona's husband, Abuelita's son-in-law and Tio Luis' stepbrother.
  • Abuelita: Esperanza's grandmother, Ramona's mother and Sixto's mother-in-law.
  • Tio Luis: Esperanza's step-uncle, Sixto's stepbrother and Ramona's stepbrother-in-law who tries to marry her after Sixto's death and burnt down the house after she rejects him.
  • Miguel: Hortensia's son and Esperanza's friend and agemate.
  • Pepe and Lupe: Alfonso's family members whom Esperanza meets after moving to California.
  • Isabel: Miguel’s cousin.
  • Carmen: The chicken and egg lady.

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