A View From the Bridge



Italian film director Luchino Visconti directed a stage version of the play in Italy in 1958. The plot of his film Rocco and His Brothers (Rocco e i suoi fratelli), made in 1960, has many affinities with A View from the Bridge.[19]

A French-Italian film A View from the Bridge was released in February 1962. Directed by Sidney Lumet, the film starred Raf Vallone and Maureen Stapleton as Eddie and Beatrice, with Carol Lawrence as Catherine. The film was the first time that a kiss between men was shown on screen in America, albeit in this case it is intended as an accusation of being gay, rather than a romantic expression.[20] In a major change to the plot of the play, Eddie commits suicide after being publicly beaten by Marco.


On 4 April 1966, ITV aired A View from the Bridge as its ITV Play of the Week, of which no copies survive. Vallone also played Eddie in this version.

In 1986, the BBC aired a TV dramatisation of the play produced by Geoff Wilson.


Renzo Rossellini, the brother of film director Roberto Rossellini, was the first to adapt the play into an opera with his Uno sguardo dal ponte, which premiered at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma in 1961.

In 1999, another operatic version, with music by William Bolcom and a libretto by Arthur Miller, premiered at Lyric Opera of Chicago starring Kim Josephson as Eddie Carbone. The work was performed subsequently at the Metropolitan Opera in 2002, again at the Washington National Opera in 2007, and by Vertical Player Repertory Opera in 2009, starring William Browning as Eddie.[21] The opera was first performed in Europe at Theater Hagen in 2003 in German translation. The first English (original) language version produced in Europe opened at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma in Rome on January 18, 2011.


L.A. Theatre Works released a radio adaptation of the play in 1998 featuring Ed O'Neill.

BBC Radio 3 produced a radio adaptation starring Alfred Molina, which was first broadcast on October 18, 2015 and then again on May 14, 2017. For his work on the production, Molina was awarded the BBC Audio Drama Award for Best Actor.[22]

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