Wallace Stevens: Poems

In popular culture

In 1976, after discovering Picasso's etching techniques from Atelier Crommelynck, David Hockney produced a suite of 20 etchings called The Blue Guitar. The frontispiece mentions Hockney's dual inspiration as "The Blue Guitar: Etchings By David Hockney Who Was Inspired By Wallace Stevens Who Was Inspired By Pablo Picasso".[85] The etchings refer to themes of a poem by Stevens, The Man with the Blue Guitar. Petersburg Press published the portfolio in October 1977. The same year, Petersburg also published a book in which the poem's text accompanied the images.[86]

Both titles of an early story by John Crowley, first published in 1978 as "Where Spirits Gat Them Home", later collected in 1993 as "Her Bounty to the Dead", come from "Sunday Morning". The titles of two novels by D. E. Tingle, Imperishable Bliss (2009) and A Chant of Paradise (2014), come from "Sunday Morning". John Irving quotes Stevens's poem "The Plot Against the Giant" in his novel The Hotel New Hampshire. In Terrence Malick's film Badlands, the nicknames of the protagonists are Red and Kit, a possible reference to Stevens's poem "Red Loves Kit".

Nick Cave cited the lines "And the waves, the waves were soldiers moving" in his song "We Call Upon the Author". They come from Stevens's poem "Dry Loaf". Later Vic Chesnutt recorded a song named "Wallace Stevens" on his album North Star Deserter. The song references Stevens's poem "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird".

Stevens was honored with a US postage stamp in 2012.[87]

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