The Woman in White


  • Walter Hartright – A young teacher of drawing, something of an everyman character, and distinguished by a strong sense of justice.
  • Frederick Fairlie – A wealthy hypochondriac land-owner: the uncle of Laura Fairlie, distinguished principally by his mock-politeness toward all other characters.
  • Laura Fairlie – Mr. Fairlie's gentle, guileless, pretty niece: an heiress and orphan.
  • Marian Halcombe – Laura's elder half-sister and companion; not attractive but intelligent and resourceful.
  • Anne Catherick ("The Woman in White") – An unconventional young woman distinguished by her insistence on white clothes; an illegitimate daughter of Laura's father.
  • Jane Catherick – Anne's unsympathetic mother; in league with Sir Percival Glyde in committing her daughter to the asylum. Depicted as an unpleasant character.
  • Vincent Gilmore – Lawyer to the Fairlies and close friend.
  • Sir Percival Glyde, Baronet – Laura's fiancé and then husband; able to appear charming and gracious when he wishes but often abrasive.
  • Count Fosco – Sir Percival's closest friend; his full name is Isidor Ottavio Baldassare Fosco. A grossly fat Italian with a mysterious past: eccentric, bombastic, urbane but intelligent and menacing. He keeps canaries and mice as pets.
  • Countess Fosco – Laura's aunt: once a giddy girl but now humourless and obedient to her husband.
  • Professor Pesca – A teacher of Italian and good friend of Walter. The professor finds Walter the Limmeridge job, introducing him to Laura and Marian, and proves to be Fosco's unexpected nemesis.

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