"The Shroud" and Other Short Stories


Premchand was commemorated with the issue of a special 30-paise postage stamp by India Post on 31 July 1980.[52]

Premchand's ancestral house in Lamhi is being restored by the state government.[53] An institute has also been set up in Lamhi to study his work.[54] The Munshi Premchand Mahavidyalaya in Siliguri has been named after him.

An Archive Centre in the name of Munshi Premchand has been established at the Central University Jamia Millia Islamia.[55] It came to store the legacy of Premchand's writings as his famous story 'Kafan' was written by him in Jamia itself and it was first published in 'Jamia '.[56]

On 31 July 2016, Google showed a Google Doodle in honouring the 136th birthday of Munshi Premchand.[57]

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